04 Small Business Administration
May 16, 2018
Category: Business Resources

The U.S. Small Business Administration - Houston District Office is your ally in business.
MySBA Certifications: Your one-stop destination for SBA's small business certifications.
Benefits of certification:
- Access to sole-sourced and competitive set-aside contracts
- Assistance from federal procurement experts
- Business development assistance from dedicated Business Opportunity Specialists
- Opportunities to create joint ventures with established businesses
- Priority access to federal surplus property
Learn more and apply for a business certification here.
Monday Mondays | Q&A with SBA Thursdays | Federal Contracting Fridays
SBA Houston holds year-round webinars and in-person events catered to you, the Houston-area small business owner in your journey to success —from your grand opening, to your succession plan.
Join the SBA Houston District Office for 45 minute monthly virtual sessions to learn about federal contracting, access to capital, business basics, connect with local support resources and get your questions answered.
Click here to view SBA Houston District Office business event calendar for both English and Spanish speakers.
Click here to view the SBA comprehensive National Small Business Resource Guide.
Questions? Please contact houston@sba.gov