Current Projects

HWY 225 Underpass Safety Lighting Project
The Pasadena Economic Development Corporation continues to work on achieving two widely held community priorities: 1) enhance the visual appeal of the City & build community identity and 2) reinvigorate the Shaw Avenue area north of 225. To achieve this, resources have been allocated to select infrastructure improvements and removing barriers to develop creative infill and adaptive reuse projects in the City’s northside.
A small group of committed private building owners in the Shaw District has identified challenges to reviving the area. Most significant among them, the Shaw district is disconnected from the rest of the City and the available free parking is poorly lit and encourages unwanted activities.
To address these challenges, Blessing Hancock submitted the winning proposal to PEDC to create a permanent placemaking and light installation project. A kickoff meeting was held with the artist, City Public Works, TXDOT and PEDC. Preliminary plans to work with the Pasadena ISD High School Art Students are being developed.
The PEDC has the goals of:
- Enhanced Quality of Life for Pasadena citizens through the provision of public art.
- Create a critical link providing stronger connectivity between the Shaw Avenue District and the rest of the City.
- Discouraging unwanted behaviors by improving the lighting and overall safety of the area.
Project Details
Project Name: HWY 225 Underpass Safety Lighting Project
Budget: $500,000.00
Partners: City of Pasadena, Pasadena Public Works & Engineering, Pasadena Planning Department, Pasadena ISD, Small Business Community, TXDOT
Consultants/Contractors: Blessing Hancock
Expected Date of Completion: 2023
Contact Information: Rick Guerrero, Executive Director,
Pasadena, TX