Current Projects

Wayfinding Signage Implementation Project
Project Description
The City of Pasadena, Texas, in partnership with the Pasadena Economic Development Corporation, has chosen a consultant team with planning, graphic design and municipal wayfinding experience to develop a City of Pasadena Wayfinding Program and begin its implementation. The selected consultant will work in conjunction with the City and relevant stakeholder to develop a Wayfinding Master Plan and Signage. The consultant will develop a master plan, design signage, create a parking brand and develop a bid package including specifications using City boilerplate documents and standards where applicable.
Project Details
Project Name: Wayfinding Program
Partners: City of Pasadena, City of Pasadena Parks & Recreation Dept., Pasadena Chamber of Commerce
Budget: $79,000
Consultant: Tangram Design, LLC
Supporting Documents: View Proposal
Expected Date of Completion: TBA
Contact Information: Julianne Echavarria, Marketing Manager,