Pasadena Independent School District Prepares Students for the Future

23 Sep 2019
The Pasadena Independent School District provides diverse educational opportunities for students of all ages. The quality of education being offered by the District is a benefit for the families living in Pasadena and the businesses that are employing recent graduates.
Here are a few of the innovative ways Pasadena ISD is preparing students for the future.
#1 Pasadena’s Career and Technical High School.
The school prepares students for college and the workforce, serves a student population of nearly 1,700 students, and offers certifications in multiple industry fields that are hiring in the Houston area.
#2 Personalized Learning
Pasadena ISD has become the largest personalized learning school district in the nation. Personalized Learning has been incorporated into classrooms throughout the school district, boosting student achievement on state assessments in the process.
#3 Early College High Schools
The district has created facilities dedicated to college and career readiness, including Early College High Schools offered at each of our five comprehensive high schools and a Career and Technology High School. PECHS targets first-generation high school students who are interested in not only obtaining a high school diploma but also an associate’s degree. This innovative program helps students gain real-world, hands-on experience in a college atmosphere. This has produced record numbers of certifications and students simultaneously earning a high school diploma and an associate’s degree, with the expectation that 200 students will do so in 2019 alone.
#4 All Day Pre-K
Pasadena ISD expanded the district’s pre-kindergarten classes for district families and out-of-district families. Now offered in 71 classrooms, classes are led by a certified teacher and an instructional aid. Students have the opportunity to collaboratively receive instruction in the core subject area while utilizing modern technology.
#5 Programs for Students Falling Behind
Pasadena ISD is committed to helping all students succeed – including those who have fallen behind. For example, the Summer School NOW program puts students on the fast-track to graduation by allowing students to redo coursework or complete a class in an effort to obtain high school credits. In addition, the Community School offers computer-based instruction in core classes and electives, blended and differentiated instruction and state standardized testing remediation as a means of helping students graduate from high school.
#6 Award-Winning Extra-Curricular
Pasadena ISD has been selected by National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) as one of the BEST Communities for Music Education in the nation for the past 13 years. This is just one example of the emphasis the District places on extracurricular activities, including athletics, fine arts, and student organizations, as well as community service and other outside-of-school activities as indicators of student success.
#7 Support for Students
Pasadena ISD recognizes that some students may need support above and beyond what is typically offered in the classroom. The District is committed to meeting each student where they are and providing them with the tools and support they need to thrive. The school Program for the Deaf: “Removing Barriers and Building Dreams” is one such example. Pasadena ISD, partnered with Region 4 Education Service Center to open the district’s first in-house Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD) and provides services to about 65 hearing impaired students, from birth up to 22 years old.
#8 Giving Back
The Guide Dogs for the Blind program is an example of the District’s commitment to teaching students the importance of community service. Dobie High School’s FFA Guide Dogs for the Blind program houses seven puppies (eight weeks old up to 16 months) that receive training in basic obedience by students. The dogs are eventually paired with someone who is visually impaired and has helped people in California, New York and even as far as Canada.
#9 Connect Personalized Learning
This innovative blended learning program empowers students to work independently and apply the learning in a way that keeps them interested and engaged. Students progress through classes using online content -- mastering the content across all core subject areas at their own pace. Students spend 70 percent of instructional time participating in real-world projects that help them gain invaluable workplace skills necessary for college and career readiness.
Support for Students and Teachers
The District’s wide variety of programs are an example of their mission to support students in all stages of learning and in life. “Pasadena ISD paints a picture of excellence that encourages students and staff to reach their fullest potential in academics, extra-curricular activities and professionally. We have established and maintained partnerships throughout the state of Texas that provide the very best resources to ensure students of all backgrounds have the opportunity to be successful. That’s the Pasadena ISD way. We are a family. And like a family, we support one another and do what it takes to ensure the very best for kids, for staff and our families,” said Dr. DeeAnn Powell, Superintendent of Schools.
Move Your Family to Pasadena
We invite you to join us in Pasadena and to experience the many benefits of sending children to the Pasadena ISD – a community where everyone supports each other along the journey to success.
Locate Your Business In Pasadena
Over 1,700 students are enrolled in the school and many of them will graduate with certificates that immediately transfer to job skills. This creates an incredible opportunity for businesses to hire interns and recruit young talent into their organizations. Contact us to learn more about the benefits of locating your business in Pasadena.