A New Marketing Image for the City of Pasadena

7 Nov 2019
The Pasadena Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) in collaboration with the City of Pasadena are proud to announce the launch of a new marketing brand for Pasadena.
Earlier this year Pasadena EDC partnered with Development Counsellors International (DCI); a firm that specializes in place marketing on the development of this new marketing brand.
“Our Board of Directors and Staff understood the importance for the implementation of a cohesive and vibrant new image to aid in the marketability of the city,” said Suzette McDowell, Marketing Manager for Pasadena EDC. “This new brand and tagline are a representation of the endless possibilities the great City of Pasadena has to offer to the community at large and beyond.”
The brand creation process involved input from over 80 community leaders through focus group meetings and extensive surveys to the community in order to truly understand what the community envisioned for Pasadena’s new look and feel.
This new logo and overall image will not replace the current city seal or Pasadena EDC logo. The purpose of this new brand will be to serve as a tool to create unification and awareness around Pasadena’s assets and to help generate community pride.
“The message of this marketing brand exemplifies what Pasadena is all about,” said Mayor Jeff Wagner. “The tagline Powering Possibilities has more than one meaning. From an industry standpoint, a huge portion of the energy resources that power our country are refined and produced right here. Because of that strong economic foundation, our jobs, our schools and our residents are blessed with the power to achieve countless possibilities.”
Over the next few months, Pasadena residents and the entire Gulf Coast Region can expect an increase in brand awareness and marketing efforts through various platforms.
For more information and to stay connected with this brand initiative follow us on social media @PasadenaEDC or contact our Marketing Manager at SMcDowell@PasadenaEDC.com
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