#PasadenaLovesLocal Provides Community Support & Grants for Small Businesses

23 Oct 2020
Pasadena is a close knit community with residents who support each other. And that includes, supporting the local businesses who serve the community and make it an incredible place to live. The Pasadena Loves Local Campaign is an initiative designed to bring the community together and to create opportunities to support these local businesses. The campaign is the result of collaboration between the Pasadena Economic Development Corporation, the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and the City of Pasadena - organizations who were looking for a proactive way to help the small business community as the city transitions into the rebuilding process from the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The main goal of the grant program is designed as we’re going into the rebuild phase,” McDowell said. “We’re looking at it from a big picture standpoint, really thinking outside the box and focusing on providing to struggling small businesses — that’s the goal.”
Support small businesses to create jobs in Pasadena
Small businesses create more jobs in our community by keeping money local. For every $100 spent at a local business, $68 stays within the community. This leads to more jobs with that data showing that for every ten jobs created at a local business, support an additional seven jobs within the community (Small Business Economic Impact Study, 2018). Imagine this - if every time you wanted to buy something for the house, go out to dinner, or purchase gifts you did so at a local business, you would be creating jobs in multiple businesses. It works because the waitress who gets a job at a local restaurant will buy insurance, purchase shoes, buy coffee on the way to work, etc. It’s a true ripple effect that everyone in the community can participate in.
Through their purchasing power, Pasadena residents have the power to create jobs, grow the economy and help businesses who have been hit hard by COVID-19 to sustain.
“Our board of directors understands the importance of promoting all businesses right now because not only is the right thing to do, but it provides the extra marketing exposure for them, and we see this as an opportunity to help with their marketing efforts,” McDowell said.
How you can help
The Pasadena Loves Local Campaign has two distinct portions - one of which is graining the tangible support of community members, both in shopping local and in spreading the word about the incredible businesses we have here. Community members are encouraged to shop and dine at local businesses, share articles like these, leave high Google and Facebook reviews on business pages, and recommend Pasadena small businesses to their friends and family. Additionally, businesses that do not qualify for a grant have the opportunity to sign up to be a marketing partner in the initiative. Signing up is quick and easy, businesses who sign up will receive a special marketing kit with information and marketing collateral to help promote the campaign. To sign up to be a marketing partner click here.
Applying for the grant
The second part of the campaign involves providing financial assistance to businesses through a grant program. The Pasadena Economic Development Corporation established a $250,000 fund to create the Pasadena Cares Financial Assistance Program.
- $1,000 grants to small businesses
- 250 businesses will receive a grant
- A lottery will determine who receives the grant
- The grant NEVER has to be repaid
- Checks will be distributed in two phases
To qualify, companies must have a physical storefront within the Pasadena City limits, must be registered and in good standing (not in any litigation with the city), and must be willing to participate in the Pasadena Loves Local initiative. For a full list of criteria click here.
Applications for Phase 2 will be accepted from October 19th to November 20th. The streamlined application process was designed to be as easy as possible for businesses looking to participate and takes around 5 minutes to complete. To apply, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Suzette McDowell at (713)920-7966, (832)206-1131 or SMcDowell@PasadenaEDC.com.
The future of Pasadena’s small businesses may very well be in the hands of local residents. How we respond in this moment will influence what life is like in Pasadena for years to come. If you want to enjoy a latte at a local coffee shop - go there often. If you want to find unique gifts close to home - shop there now. If you prefer takeout to having to cook on Friday nights, remember to order weekly. Every purchase that you make today helps to show our business community that #PasadenaLovesLocal and to keep our business community strong.
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