Holidays 2020: We Have Creative Ways to Support Pasadena Businesses

30 Nov 2020
COVID-19 has changed many things, including how we celebrate holiday events like Small Business Saturday. As a community, we have gotten creative and have found ways to support our business community while still taking precautionary measures. Doing so is important because this annual tradition reminds the entire community to celebrate the wealth of locally owned businesses within our community.
We love our local businesses, both for the way they improve our lives and for the impact they make on our economy. The #PasadenaLovesLocal campaign was created to support our local business community and to do our part in ensuring that they can continue to thrive through this challenging time.
Each dollar spent helps to create jobs at that business and the businesses who support them. In fact, every ten jobs created at a local business, support an additional seven jobs within the community (Small Business Economic Impact Study, 2018).
According to The Small Business Economic Impact Study, conducted by American Express in 2018, small businesses make an outsized impact because for every dollar spent at a local business –
- 67 cents stays within the local economy
- 50 cents is created in local business activity (outside of that particular business)
Your Dollars Make their Impact Possible
As a community member you can help our local businesses to grow the economy by spending your money locally. Instead of ordering online with an out of town business, visit a local boutique’s website for holiday gifts, purchase your holiday outfits from a local shop, buy your decorations locally, etc. It all adds up.
How to Support Businesses While Social Distancing
Instead of ordering from a big box store or online retailer, visit the websites of local stores specifically. Many of them offer curbside pickup and delivery, allowing for you to remain socially distanced while helping to keep our small businesses going.
Think about the businesses that you typically buy from, restaurants you eat at, ice cream shops you visit for desert, stores you purchase from for holiday gifts, etc. Then, visit their website and Facebook pages to find out if they are taking orders online or over the phone, if they offer curbside pickup or delivery, and if they are providing services virtually. In many cases, they will be. Continuing to purchase from these businesses, even in a reduced capacity, can help to keep people employed. Other suggestions include -
- Purchasing gift cards to be used at a later date
- Ordering dinner delivery for friends, family and colleagues you would normally have dined with and eating together over video conferencing
- Purchasing subscriptions and memberships from local organizations and giving those as gifts
Small Business Saturday Kicked Off Holiday Shopping
Small Business Saturday was November 28th. It kicked off the holiday season and has traditionally been when many retailers make a large portion of their revenue. Due to COVID, many of these retailers have extended specials and promotional events. Remember to visit the Facebook page of local businesses to find out how they are participating and plan on showing your virtual support.